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New York Health Careers

Pharmacy Aides

What Do Pharmacy Aides Do?

Pharmacy aides perform administrative duties in pharmacies. Aides are often clerks or cashiers who primarily answer telephones, handle money, stock shelves, and perform other clerical and administrative duties. Pharmacy aides may also assist pharmacists with maintaining patient records, processing insurance claim forms, and taking inventory of prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Where Do Pharmacy Aides Work?

The majority of pharmacy aides work in retail pharmacies, including chain and independent drug stores, and pharmacy departments within hospitals, grocery stores, department stores, and retail stores. A small number of pharmacy aides work at mail-order or online pharmacies, clinics, and pharmaceutical wholesalers.

How Much Do Pharmacy Aides Earn?

In 2022, the average annual income reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for pharmacy aides was $35,870. The New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) reports that, in 2023, pharmacy aides earned a median annual salary of $34,167 (pharmacy aides in the 25th percentile made approximately $31,583 while those in the 75th percentile made approximately $41,111).

Supply and Demand

The New York State Department of Labor projects that the number of jobs for pharmacy aides in the state will increase by 9% between 2020 and 2030.

For more information on projections of pharmacy aides by New York State labor regions click here.

New York Education Requirements

Individuals interested in a career as a pharmacy aide should have a high school diploma.

Most pharmacy aides are trained on the job. Employers prefer applicants with previous experience and strong customer service skills. Prospective pharmacy aides with experience working as cashiers may have an advantage when applying for jobs. Employers also prefer applicants with experience managing inventories and using computers.

Pharmacy aides begin their training by observing a more experienced worker. Pharmacy aides need spelling, reading, and mathematics skills. Successful pharmacy aides are organized, dedicated, friendly, and responsible.

[whohit]Pharmacy Aides[/whohit]
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